Saturday, December 6, 2014

Gaming PC and car wiring projects

 Sup guys,

Happy holidays to you all! I have been semi hard at work recently on a few new projects, and I return from the ashes with an update for you guys. First off, I picked up a couple of goodies through some online Black Friday sales. Being a computer guy, I have been building my own PCs since I could afford my own. I snagged a couple of nice deals on a solid state hard drive (Samsung 840 Evo 250GB) and a new video card (Sapphire Dual-X Radeon R9 280). My current computer was initially put together three years ago, so it's starting to show its age. After trying to run Metro 2033 on the lowest settings with DirectX 11, I realized that my old video card (Sapphire Vapor-X Radeon HD 5770) was not going to cut it any more. Thanks to Black Friday, I'm extremely happy with my updated setup--here are some pictures:

More after the jump!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

PVC hat rack mod

 Sup people,

I have been stricken by another bout of laziness and gaming recently so I haven't gotten around to posting this writeup. Alas, the time has come! I've come up with a simple design that is good for 9 hats, and even more if you slide adjustable caps towards the center. The design is modular, and can be disassembled into many smaller pieces. Check it!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hori V3 USB connector mod

 Hey guys,

I guess I've caught the modding fever again and I'm back with another fightstick mod! This time I had to address the following issue:

Doesn't look too healthy, does it... Cheap fightsticks have their limitations, so I set out to fix another problem in classic T da B fashion!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hori V3 fightstick mod

 Sup people,

Today I bring you a different kind of mod from the land of electrical engineering. For those that didn't know, I am a seasoned Street Fighter. Just like in Nerf, success often depends on the tools of the trade. Here is my Hori V3 fightstick pre-mod:

Aside from being dirty, fierce punch was only working about 25% of the time so a button swap was inevitable. I decided to go with Seimitsu brand buttons from Japan to replace my cheapos. Check it!