Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hori V3 fightstick mod

 Sup people,

Today I bring you a different kind of mod from the land of electrical engineering. For those that didn't know, I am a seasoned Street Fighter. Just like in Nerf, success often depends on the tools of the trade. Here is my Hori V3 fightstick pre-mod:

Aside from being dirty, fierce punch was only working about 25% of the time so a button swap was inevitable. I decided to go with Seimitsu brand buttons from Japan to replace my cheapos. Check it!


Begin by cracking dat bitch open. The first step is to de-solder the button daughterboard from the button terminals. Use a soldering iron to head the hardened globs of solder on the board, then use a solder-sucker to remove the liquid solder. As a side note, I opened up the solder sucker and noticed that it is merely a reverse Nerf blaster! The plunger just moves backwards.

Cut the wire strip close to the daughterboard and save it for soldering reference:

Spread the wires out and strip them:

I started with the ground wire, which is basically just a long daisy chain through all the buttons:

Then I used some spare wire to solder each button to its appropriate wire:

Cleaned up and completed!

Next up, I'll be doing a removable USB cable mod. Right now the fightstick has a permanently attached USB cord that is frayed to the point of near-death. I'll be getting a female to female USB A/B connector that will allow my cable to be removable.


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