Saturday, August 17, 2013

Balsam Bag mod!

 Sup guys,

Today I'm bringing you a mod that you have probably never seen before! Aside from Nerf, I enjoy picking up random skills from time to time. Today's write-up concerns a skill that has traditionally been reserved for the ladies--sewing! Sometimes you just have to break down gender barriers to make a statement. In fact, I'll even go as far as to say this: Real Men Sew Shit.
Required materials:

Balsam Fir -- A highly aromatic tree that usually grows in the swampy areas of northeast America and Canada.

Psychedelic fabric -- I went with flannel (100% cotton) for softness and longevity. Know your materials!

Required tools:
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Ruler

Start by measuring and cutting two pieces of fabric into equal sized squares:

Stack them on top of each other with the colored sides facing inwards:

Thread the needle with colored thread of your choice. I went with pink, of course.

Spool out a lot of thread--many times the perimeter of the fabric:

Now go up and down through both pieces of fabric with the needle, pulling it taught after each stitch. Leave a couple of centimeters from the open end to the end of the stitching:

Don't forget to knot the ends by looping the thread through itself. Make sure there is no slack or pieces of thread that didn't get pulled all the way through.

Flip it inside out after trimming the excess thread off the knots you tied:

Remove all the needles from the Balsam branches--kind of a bitch:

In they go!

Finally, fold the top inwards on both sides of the opening and sew the final side. The Balsam Bag is complete!

Blurry close-up of the final line of stiching:

So there you have it! This bag can be placed under a pillow or in an enclosed space and keep it scented for years. Not to mention, it's a nontoxic rodent repellent as well! Do I feel less manly? Hell no! Who knows when you might have an emergency out in nature and get forced into sewing your own body closed. I hope you guys enjoyed this random mod!


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